Monday, 6 January 2025

Being A Writer/Author - The Creative Process


For my first post of 2025, I wanted to talk about being a writer and an author. I will have been published for 20 years in August which just blows my mind, and I'll have my 23rd and 24th books coming out this year too (hopefully)! I have been writing since I was at school and it really only became an option for me as a career when I was medically retired from the working world at 19. (For reference, I just turned 43, today in fact!) My plans for my adult life were very different than the one I ended up with, and to be honest, I'm now okay with that because I couldn't think of anything else I would rather do.

But what does being a writer/author mean? I mean beyond the obvious, that you write, that you publish, that you keep telling stories however you wish to do so. For me it has meant a lot of things. It gave me an outlet for all those stories rolling around in my head. It gave me a chance at a career when I didn't know if I would ever do anything with my life again. It gave me friends and loved ones that I would not have met if it hadn't been for my writing. Writing, and being an author, have opened up my world and I love every second of it.

That said, I always have stories, I have a deep abiding need to share those stories with the world, even if they don't go on to become bestsellers, even if they don't reach a wide array of people. I just want those stories told and out there, and for them to come alive for the people who need them most. Being a writer and author is a very big part of my identity and while I know we're encouraged not to make one thing about us our whole personality, I can't help but feel like writing is very much a core piece of who I am and what I do.

Life can have a way of knocking you down, and to be honest, this past year has not been great for me. I'm hopeful for 2025, but I'm also ready to get back into making my writing and career into something I've not been capable of for a while. I don't know what I could do if I couldn't write. I know that's always a possibility with my health as fragile as it is, but I also know I would find a way to keep telling my stories, because these are stories that need to be told.

If there's one thing I've learned in all my years as an author, it's that things can change in an instant. You can go from selling poorly to selling well, and vice versa, with just a few days in between. It's a long hard slog, and I know that doesn't apply just to indies, but trad pub as well because they have to work just as hard as we all do.

For as long as I'm able, I plan to spend my days writing, publishing and all that goes with that, and getting my words, my stories, my characters and worlds, out there for people to see. After all, there are people out there who need to be seen, and maybe they will find that in one of my books. It's all about just keeping moving forward, no matter how fast or slow you may go.

I hope 2025 holds great things for you, and keep writing!

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books.  

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