Tuesday 30 July 2024


Jessie knows Meera's in danger, but has no way to stop what's going to happen...

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[ID: A red checked background with the title CRAMPING CHRONICLES: THE FIRST TWINGE at the top and out now in ebook & paperback just below the title The except reads:

“Sai, they're threatening our daughter! You’ve no choice. If you don't do this, then Meera will pay the price,” the woman pleaded. “You can't go to the police, but you can't risk our child, Sai! Listen to reason please!”
“And what happens to Meera when her father is arrested? What happens to you? What happens to us?” Sai said.

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website www.joeypaulonline.com, in the bottom left corner is the Readers' Favorite review seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


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