Friday 19 July 2024

Review of Why The Sparrows Cry by Hope Bolinger

Harper hates crowds and has a strong distaste for humanity in general. A summer spent in the bustling city of London was not on her bucket list—especially not tagging along behind her nagging mother.

But when a teen from the Greek Dark Ages mysteriously appears in the very crowded British Museum, Harper decides to rescue the boy who’s even more out of place—and time—than she is. With the help of her uncle, they’ll need to keep Homer away from the British authorities, evade a tomb-robbing ex-archeologist, and figure out how to get this Palikari man back to his own time before he’s captured.

As they escape near-kidnappings, terrible yogurt drinks, and Harper's mother's lectures, Harper finds herself warming up to Homer. Something that hasn't happened with anyone since the incident with her father back in Arizona.

Will she learn to love again? Or will an ex-archeologist snag the historical find of the millennium—and the only person she’s felt safe around in years?


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up because of the cover and blurb. It was a delightful read with mystery, intrigue, and a little bit of romance in there too. I adored Harper, she was so relatable and just so real. Homie was such an engaging character and the way things all came together at the end had me on the edge of my seat. Bolinger has a way of pulling you into her stories and making you want to live in them for as long as possible. This was a read I managed in one sitting and I adored it from start to finish. It’s definitely one that I very much recommend!

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