Friday 12 July 2024

Review of Smoke And Light by Kristin Ardis

A kingdom at war.
A search for missing memories.
And a tangled web of love, loss, loyalty, and lies.

After months of recovery, Khara Laveya is desperate to leave the medical wing and restore the memories she lost in a brutal rebel attack. Her responsibility to her kingdom as future Sovereigna is a looming distraction from reclaiming them.

Torn between duty and desperation, Khara is haunted by a mysterious grove that calls to her in her dreams. Finding the grove may lead to her missing memories, but venturing beyond the city walls is an act of treason. Worse, it risks another encounter with the ruthless rebel forces.

To enter the forest could mean death … or something far more sinister.

The secrets lurking in the shadows could destroy the life Khara has sacrificed so much to rebuild and unravel the kingdom itself.
My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up even with fantasy not being a favourite of mine and this book blew me away. The missing memories, the doting partner, the whole set up was exceptionally crafted and it had me hooked from page one right through to the end. I loved Khara, loved Hayden and Ramsey and the way their characters were so very real and relatable. It was like we were there solving the mysteries along with Khara. I adored the whole book and it was an explosive start to a series that promises to leave you wanting more. Highly recommended!

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