Monday 22 July 2024

Keeping Your Eyes On The End - The Creative Process


I have now written forty-eight first drafts. I'm in the process of not drafting for a while so that I can focus instead on going back through past books and rewriting/revising them so that they have time to really shine. I've been planning to do this for a good couple of years now, and even with it here, at the time of writing, I've not actually jumped back in. It's nerve wracking for me because I don't think, in the last fifteen years of my career, I've not been writing something new!

But it's really important to me that I get these books in shape, and all going well, I plan to do the same next year for a period to deal with other books that I know need a lot of work, and input from other people. I did it this way so that I have more time and can spread out things like any sensitivity reads needed and the like. Of course that may change between now and next year, but for now, that's the plan.

Writing can be exceptionally isolating, and while there are things now, like Authortube and all the livestreams to join to have company while you write, it can also be hard to keep pushing yourself forward when all you can see is months and maybe even years of work ahead of you before you get to the published stage. I will say that there's no rush, but that's coming from me, who's been published almost nineteen years at this point. I feel like rushing to be published just leads to things like burnout and no one wants that.

I've always had a weird sleep schedule, and even now is no different in that I'm awake and writing this blog post at almost 4am, and my day is almost over when it comes to work. Because of that it's hard for me to have the energy to attend a lot of the lives on Authortube, and because of accessibility and such, it's hard for me to go and write in coffee shops or the like. So I've kinda got used to the isolation of writing.

That said, one thing that always, always helps perk me up when I'm struggling through a chapter or the like, is making sure that I keep my eyes on the end. Whether that's the end of the chapter, or end of the book, or end of this revision pass, or edits, etc, etc. You have to keep focused on the end of all of this. The day when you will eventually, hopefully, get to hold your book in your hands, and also get to see it in other people's hands too.

Setting your goals, and pushing yourself forward, that can help too, but it's the end result that we're all working had for. It's the end result that allows us to do what we do. Even when all might seem lost. Even when you're tired and ready to sleep, and even when the thought of writing makes you groan, keep your eyes on the end. Make sure you know that there is an end. Rest yes, take care of yourself, very much yes, but also remember that why, that reason that you wanted to do this, and focus on the end because you will be thanking yourself later when it comes to the first release day.

Writing is hard work. It's really hard work. But in my eyes? It's worth it. If it's not in yours, that's okay too, but if it is, keep going, you will get there.

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books.    

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