Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Final #JoWriMoGo Tally For February 2018

The final tally for February 2018 was: 20 chapters, 88 pages & 48,688 words!! Onto the next month!

From Joey's Instagram

And that's #WAM off to the editor. Really excited about getting this book to you guys! Excited about sharing teasers with you too! ✒✒✒⌨⌨⌨ #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #amediting #WalkAMile

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

#TEASERTUESDAY for #DTSC. Area's life has changed and not everything is good. Cover reveal is on March 15th!! #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #dyingthoughts #paranormalbooks #mysterybooks #youngadultbooks #amreading #readersofinstagram #igwriters #igauthors #igreaders

Monday, 26 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

It's one of those days when my body is being mean but I still have writing to do. It's the last writing day of the month and I still need to finish my chapter. I also need to edit and do proof-edits! The life of an Indie Author. ✒✒✒⌨⌨⌨ #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #spoonie #chronicillness #brittleasthma #fibromyalgia #chronicpain #igwriters #igauthors

Spoonie Writer: Mental Health Care


This is a topic I've covered before, and it's something I'm going to cover again for a number of reasons. One being that a lot of the time, the focus is on physical health. Whether or not, as a spoonie, you can physically do this or that. The spoon theory covers more than just physical conditions, the umbrella also covers mental health issues. I'm not just a spoonie because of my physical disabilities, but because of my mental health as well. It's been something I've talked about before (here) as well as in my vlogs and day-to-day tweets and such.

As someone who is very very productive, I wanted to touch on the times when I'm just...not. I have depression and generalized anxiety and have done for the majority of my life and writing career. A lot of the time, the focus in both the writing world and the outside world is on how much you can get done. I, as someone with multiple conditions, am seen as more valid because I work constantly and hit goals. But it's not always like that, and even if it was, that doesn't have an impact on anyone else's worth of validity. There's too much of an emphasis on pushing yourself to breaking point than there is on taking care of yourself when you need to. On taking the time you need to get things done safely and healthily.

I don't generally talk too much about the mental health side of things. It's not necessarily a concious decision, more that my mental health is mostly well controlled with medication, while my physical health is bouncing around and up and down. However, that doesn't mean that my depression and anxiety don't have an impact on my day-to-day life. I decided to do this piece for both real talk, and also to address the fact that writers who are mentally ill, are just as valid as those who are chronically ill when it comes to the spoonie tag.

Whether you're just starting out as a writer, or are published and long into your journey, having mental health issues can be yet another hurdle to get over. It's a long, hard road, and there's a lot of work that goes into it. But pushing yourself to your limits because someone else you know or admire or whatever has done so, isn't the answer. I've been published for nearly thirteen years. I've been a writer for nearly seventeen. In that time I have dealt with highs of writing daily and kicking arse and I've dealt with horrific lows where I couldn't write, not just for the day or week, I'm talking years. And one big thing I learned was that it takes as long as it takes. And that's okay.

That said, it didn't come to me overnight. I didn't wake up one morning and suddenly be "better". It didn't happen quickly. I didn't one day suddenly be more productive than others. It took time, it took lots of med adjustments and therapy and I'm still not there yet. I used to be, and still am in some ways, very competitive with myself. "Oh I managed to write a book in this time, let's beat that this time!" The amount of pressure I put on myself was silly and wrong, and it's hard to break that mindset that to be valid, you have to also be productive. It's a dangerous thing because you work yourself to the bone and then you realise you don't have anything more to give. You're empty and yet the world doesn't stop. Your life doesn't stop.

And that's when I realised that if I wanted to do this right, if I wanted to be a writer, an indie author, someone who could be successful while also juggling mental and physical health problems, I needed to allow myself to be sick. It's a big thing in the world where to be sick, you're supposed to follow some rules and all of that. I learned about it during my uni days, and also through living my life. There are rules. One being that you do everything you can to shorten the sickness, another being that you don't stay sick for long. I can't remember them all, but as someone who has lifelong conditions, I can tell you that the rules suck.

In mental health, there's also this stigma that accepting help, in acknowledging that you're not coping, that that makes you weak, which is so not the case. Life is not meant to be a fight between the things you want to get done someday and the urge to end your life right there and then. Life is not meant to be filled with darkness. There are supposed to be light in there too. Accepting help, whether that's in the form of therapy or medication, or simply taking some time for yourself and talking with a friend. That takes strength. To tell someone, to be vulnerable, that takes a hell of a lot of strength.

So basically, take care of all of you. Whether you're like me and cross both physical and mental sides of the spoon theory, or whether you're one or the other, there's no shame in needing to take longer than maybe an abled or neurotypical person would take. It takes as long as it takes. And that's okay.

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books. You can also sign up to her newsletter here.

Saturday, 24 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

And new #author photo!. Thanks to @sushigal007 for taking loads and @apollostowel for making it perfect! I love it! #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #wheelchairuser #wheelchairlife #oxygenuser

Friday, 23 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

#Repost @mcfrank_author (@get_repost) ・・・ VALID THROUGH February : Looking for reviewers for our new author-reader group #thebookrobinhoods . ALL readers +writers (international) can join if they follow ALL 3 steps: 1. Repost 1. Follow @mcfrank_author 2. Tag at least 3 readers/writers in the comments. (mention if you are a reader or a writer in the same comment)) . You will receive a message with *super secret* instructions 📚🙆 The first reviewers have already started working with authors, next batch of reviewer/author spotlights will be up this weekend. Good luck! 📖❄☕ . LOOKING FOR AUTHORS too. Follow the exact same rules and please mention that you are an author (you will receive a different *super secret* message ☕ ) . . . Please note that comments in the style "I'm both a reader and a writer" will be rendered invalid at this time. Thank you . #books #read #reader #writer #bookworm #literature #bookish #bookishfeatures #bibliophile #bookstagram #booklover #booknerd #bookphotography #bookaddict #repsearch #ireadya #romancebooks #booklover #bookaddict #repsearch #thebookrobinhoods #writersofinsta #writersofinstagram

From Joey's Instagram

First #selfie in this wheelchair. I like being so much higher and I got yesterday's chapter written and a new one started! ✒✒✒⌨⌨⌨ #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #wheelchairlife #wheelchairuser #spoonielife #spoonie #chronicillness #brittleasthma #oxygenuser

Review of Broken Jar Of Memories by Jamie Summer

Family first. That's Skylar Austin's motto. So when her little sister goes missing, her whole world threatens to come crashing down in a single night. But then June is found and everything should be perfect, right?

Only it isn’t.

June doesn’t remember anything — not even the sister she had always admired. With the aid of the sisters’ memory jar, Skylar wants nothing more than to help June regain what she has lost. While her kidnapper is still out there wanting to finish what he started, the Austin family struggles to keep it together.

Some memories are buried for a reason. So what happens once they start to unravel? Will they keep the danger at bay - or bring it right to their door?

My Review: 5 stars
I picked this up because I've become a fan of Jamie Summer quite recently and wanted to devour all that she wrote. I love a good mystery and this fit the bill perfectly. The idea of a memory jar made me curious and the opening scenes pull you into the story. As you alternate between Sky's view and June's you get a whole picture of what the two sisters are like, how they interact and how they both view the other. It was an amazing ride from start to finish. I loved every plot twist and turn and very much enjoyed this book! Highly recommended!

You can follow Jamie on Facebook

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

And the vlog is up! This week I'm talking about promotion and my tips and tricks. You can find it here: #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #authortuber #writingvlog #vlogger #writingtips #authortube #lovemyjob #ilovewriting #igwriters #igauthors

Tips & Tricks: Promotion [CC]


Wednesday, 21 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

After a long day in Oxford with the Prof this is the perfect way to rest. I have @apollostowel and #MissViolet for cuddles! And new wheelchair tomorrow! #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #kitty #snuggles #catsofinstagram #wheelchairlife #wheelchairuser #spoonielife #spoonie #chronicillness #brittleasthma

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

Harriet had a normal life until one day it wasn't. Now she's thrown in to solving a murder from the past! 😨😨👻👻 Buy here: #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #TEASERTUESDAY #paranormalbooks #mysterybooks #youngadultbooks #bookboost #bookworm #amreading #readersofinstagram #igauthors #igwriters #igreaders

Monday, 19 February 2018

The Trials Of An Indie Author: Time Management


I'm sat here on the phone with a friend, editing a video, and flipping back and forth between edits and I'm writing a piece on time management. That just made me chuckle. The truth is that I am pretty organised and I am pretty good at time management. I've talked before about how I juggle several different things through the month, as do many indie authors. However, I thought I would do a piece of how I personally make sure I'm managing my time effectively to enable me to get as much done as I can. If you're someone who struggles with organisation, then this might be the tips that help you.

For a long time I was never really a to-do list person. I saw little point in them. Back when I was working, I didn't exactly have to manage my time. I had work hours and free hours and what I did in that time was up to me. Now that I'm an author, I find that a lot of the free time gets mistaken for work time. When you work from home, it's easy enough to find yourself distracted and with that, end up with less work done. Part of time management (and being an adult in general) is making sure you do the things you gotta do. Even if social media is calling out to you to come play. That's where lists come in. If you've got a honking long list of things to do, you're gonna wanna be actually doing the things instead of making tweets.

Following on from my last point, it's no good have lists if you're gonna ignore them. So you have to hike on your grown up pants and actually do the stuff on your list. While I do a mix of things at once, as evidenced by this piece, I also know that I'm not done for the day until I've done all of my list. I split things up into the morning stuff and the afternoon stuff. I use my own form of motivation to make sure I stay on task. Whether that's being allowed to do something fun when I'm done, or making a list of mini goals that I then get to cross off. Whatever works for you.


No one, absolutely no one, can work all the time. You'll get burnt out and that's just not fun. Whether you slot a day off here and there, or a chunk of a day that you devote to reading, or watching a TV show or something when you're just not working. It's a must for anyone trying to manage their time because you need that time off. You need that break and you need that down time and there's nothing wrong with it. Personally, I have my evenings in bed when I read and chat to a friend. I also have days when I do limited work so that I can just process the month, the week, the day and all of that. It's a must for mental health and also physical. I know that if I work myself too hard, I get sick from being so rundown. Self-care is important.

And finally, #4. - DON'T OVERLOAD YOURSELF
One thing a lot of people forget is that there are limits to what can be done in a day, or a week, or a month and so on. They think that because one person can manage x then they have to do the same or more to be valid. That's just not true. While I know that I am a fast writer and I organise myself well, that doesn't mean that I took years to get to this point. And I did. It may seem like you should be competing on some level to make yourself a "real" writer, but it's simply not the case. What works for me might not work for you and vice versa. And that's completely okay. You don't have to do x amount of words, or pages, or chapters or whatever, to be valid as a writer. Do you write? Then congratulations! You're a real writer.

A lot of the time, as an indie author, you'll find yourself juggling a lot of different things and it can be hard sometimes to see the forest through the trees. Making sure you manage your time effectively can be a great way to stop yourself getting overloaded. You need to take time for yourself, while also managing your workload effectively. How do you reward yourself for staying on plan? Do you have any tips to share? Let me know in the comments below!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books. You can also sign up to her newsletter here.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

Miss Penne decides I need cuddles rather than to write! I am so close to finishing yesterday's chapter. Just gotta do it with a kitty help! 😺😺😺✒✒✒ #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #kitty #snuggles #catsofinstagram #pastacats #MissPenne #igwriters #igauthors

Friday, 16 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

So back to work today with a Zya chapter of #Invisible. Having a good day so far! ✒✒✒⌨⌨⌨ #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #worksinprogress #booksinprogress #igwriters #igauthors #writersonig #authorsonig

Review of Fragmented by Madeline Dyer


After the terrible battle against the Enhanced Ones, Seven and Corin find themselves on the run. With the Enhanced closing in, Seven knows they need to find other people on their side. So, when the opportunity arises to join the Zharat, one of the last surviving Untamed tribes, it seems like the perfect solution.

But the Zharat lifestyle is a far cry from what Seven's used to. With their customs dictating that she must marry into their tribe, and her relationship with Corin breaking down, Seven knows she has to do something before it's too late. But that's easier said than done in a tribe where going against the rules automatically results in death.

And, with the Enhanced still out there, nowhere is truly safe for the Untamed-least of all for the most powerful Seer in the world... and Seven soon discovers how far people will go to ensure she's on their side in the War of Humanity.

Battling against the emerging web of lies, manipulation, and danger, Seven must remember who she was meant to be. Her life has never been more at stake. Nor has humanity itself.

My review: 5 stars
I was so glad that I could pick up the next book in this series and give it a read. The story picks up from the end of the terrible battle. Seven and Corin, as well as Esther are desperate to find a safe place to be. With a rush of bravery, Seven jumps in feet first and finds what she believes to be that safe space. But is it really safe? The story was engaging, well-written and kept me turning the pages late into the night. I loved it, and am so glad that I already have book three on my Kindle so I can continue this amazing story! Highly recommend for those who love a dystopian with a mythological twist!

You can follow Madeline on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here

Thursday, 15 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

And the vlog is live! This week I'm talking about exploring your genre as a reader! You can find it here: #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #authortuber #writingvlog #vlogger #writingtips #authortube #lovemyjob #ilovewriting #igwriters #igauthors

Exploring Your Genre As A Reader [CC]


Wednesday, 14 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

Gotta have my tea and magic while writing! Got #ProfessorMcGonagal watching me while I work! ✒✒✒⌨⌨⌨ #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #harrypotter #igwriters #igauthors

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

#TEASERTUESDAY Another teaser for #DTSC. College life brings about new experiences for Tara... Including romance? #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #dyingthoughtsseries #amreading #readersofinstagram #youngadultbooks #paranormalbooks #crimefiction #BookBoost #igwriters #igauthors #igreaders

Monday, 12 February 2018

Motivation & Muses - The Creative Process


I don't know about you, but it's something that I'm asked a whole ton. Where do I get my inspiration from? What or who is my 'muse'? How do I stay motivated to finish a book? To publish? To go through that long arduous journey from start to finish? And how do I stay focused when so much of the world is demanding my attention? Questions like these, maybe phrased different, get asked of writers and authors so very much. I can understand why, after all not everyone has the capability to build whole new worlds with their words, nor do they have the ability to see that whole book through from start to finish and then through the editing process. It's something that comes up so much in my questions from readers, so I thought I would give you all a little insight into how I manage it.

I have, for the majority of my life, been someone who loves creating. I may not have wanted to be a writer from an early age (I was aiming for a paediatrician) but when I sat down all those years ago and finally put pen to paper, I realised I had found my profession. It was something that inspired me, kept my attention, allowed me to explore and grow and also I had some talent in it. I'd always had an over active imagination, and it had always been said as a bad thing. Looking back I can say that how I used that imagination wasn't always for good so I get where they're coming from.

However, now that I literally write stories for a living, I find that it feels weird to not be working on something at any one time. It's one of the reasons I'm able to manage to write two books at the same time. I can focus so much on the one world, and switch it off and go into another, that I am one of the few writers who successfully works on several projects at once. But yet I still get asked: how do you stay motivated?

For me the answer is both simple and complicated at the same time. The simple version is I make myself accountable. I've talked many times before about my organisation skills. I've talked about how I set aside a day for this and a day for that and how I stick to it. My motivation comes from me telling myself that I want to see this through to the end. Yes, I have my tips and tricks when I'm having one of those days, but I'm also very invested in my work. I always have been and doubt that will ever change. I keep myself motivated and when you're writing a book (or going through the editing process) you need that. You need be your own cheerleader but you also need to be your own boss. No one else can deliver that same motivation that you can give yourself.

The complicated answer is that I have a lot of things in my life that I can't control. I'm disabled, I'm chronically ill, I struggle for breath and I live in pain. I can't control any of that. I can't change that my lungs don't work right, and I can't stop my muscles from cramping or deal with the fatigue and need for naps any other way than by giving in. But I can control my work load. I can control how I write, what I write, when I write and how much I write. That is completely in my control. So that, in a weird way, keeps me motivated. It keeps me going back to the word document and typing away. I can create worlds and characters with my words, and I can make people care about those characters, and that world and those story-lines. In short, I am in control of my writing.

When it comes to giving advice on someone else trying to find their own motivation and get those words down, I can't. Because I'm not you. I can tell you what works for me, but just like so many things in the writing world, that's not going to help you all that much. What works for me may spark some ideas for you, but no writer works in exactly the same way, just as no spoonie has exactly the same limitations and symptoms as someone else with exactly the same conditions. Life affects everyone differently. So I can't tell you how to make sure you hit 2k a day, or how to juggling your work load so that you finish a book in a month - that's a whole nother ball game to be honest - but I can say that you have to hold yourself accountable. You are the boss of your work and I'm the boss of mine.

That said, the reason people ask so much about inspiration and motivation is because there are so many different ways to do it and people are looking to find the easiest answer for themselves. Do I work hard to get the output I do? Of course! But I also have a completely different life than you do. I write as much as I do, but I'm not holding down a full time job and I'm not trying to work with a toddler around - did that, thank goodness they grow up! I have the whole day ahead of me to write and I do it in my own way. You need to find what works for you and how to make yourself motivated.

As far as muses go, I've never really been a writer who had a muse. Sure I have the odd bits and pieces that I'll play with when I'm stuck. I have those little nano bugs that I like to run around. I have a nano quadcoptor that I play around with. I still need to learn how to properly fly that thing! I have fidget toys for when I'm thinking out of plot holes and all of that. But at the end of the day, I don't need them to keep going through my work. I am in charge of what I create and I own that. It's not an easy task for anyone and if you're looking for easy, then you picked the wrong profession.

Writing is hard. It's draining. It's impossible some days and you have to keep, always, pushing yourself. But at the same time, it's amazing and I can't see myself ever doing anything else. I love what I do. I love the stories I tell and the adventures I go on. I love every day of it, even the days when I'm cursing myself out. But how do I stay motivated? I write. It's both that simple and that hard all that the same time.

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books. You can also sign up to her newsletter here.

Friday, 9 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

And getting ready for dose 5 of Mepo. Got my port flush afterwards and just hoping the side effects aren't too bad. 😷😷😷 #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #spoonie #chronicillness #brittleasthma #oxygenuser #wheelchairuser #spoonielife

Review of Rebel Bound by Shauna E. Black

A city without light ... without hope.

Caelin is a survivor. It’s been eleven years since a nuclear disaster drove much of the population underground. Caelin and her young sister Mardy were left topside, where Caelin uses salvage to trade for shelter. Until she gets stabbed, and a handsome stranger named Jate saves her life.

Jate brings the sisters to rebel turf where plans are being hatched to conquer the Undercity. The rebels preach good life for the masses, and both Caelin and Mardy are hooked on the dream. But as Caelin is drawn deeper into the rebel’s inner circle, passion ignites between Caelin and Jate, and he suddenly seems determined to push her away.

Then she discovers the harsh price of loyalty. The rebel’s dream becomes a nightmare that puts her sister on a dangerous mission to the Undercity. Caelin must determine who to trust before Mardy and the population of the Undercity are wiped out.

My review: 5 stars
I love a good dystopian and when this one crossed my view I had to read it. The story starts with Caelin out scavenging or anything that will buy her and her sister another night or two at the local shelter. The world unable to be out during the day because of the nuclear fallout. They've managed for themselves since their father disappeared and now it's Caelin's job to keep her sister safe. The story had me hooked from the first page, as we delved deeper and deeper into the story, with the rescue by Jate and all that entailed, I couldn't wait to find out what happened, whether Caelin and her sister would survive. It did not disappoint, and was an excellent read. I will be looking forward to the next in the series as I have to know how this story ends! Highly recommended!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here

Thursday, 8 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

TFW you have to stop writing to breathe. Almost done a page! ✒✒✒😷😷😷 #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #brittleasthma #chronicillness #spoonie #breathingisntoptional #oxygenuser #nebuliser

From Joey's Instagram

And it's that time of the month again. The vlog is up! And I'm talking about my life for the past month! You can find it here: #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #authortuber #writingvlog #vlogger #writingtips #authortube #lovemyjob #ilovewriting #igwriters #igauthors

Life Of Joey - February 2018 [CC]


Tuesday, 6 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

#TEASERTUESDAY Tally is pretty sure she remembers her life and then she wakes up and finds out she's wrong! Can she join the dots? Buy here: #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #amreading #readersofinstagram #bookstagram #bookboost #bookworm #youngadultbooks #igwriters #igauthors #igreaders

Monday, 5 February 2018

Juggling Multiple Releases - The After Process


Now I'm not exactly an expert here having only really done two releases the way they need to be done once before. But I'm writing this from a place as someone in the midst of doing it again. I plan to keep releasing more than one book a year from now on. In fact next year I'm gonna be completely nuts and release three books! However, there are some things I've picked up in the time I have done it. As I type this, I'm about to start properly editing my thirteenth book - Walk A Mile. This is my final edit before it goes off to my editor. On top of that I have the editor edits to do for Sixth Change, and then sending that off to the proofreader and doing those edits before I get to the ARC portion of release. In case you missed it, that makes me Busy, and yes I did mean to capitalise that!

So how do I do it? How do I keep track of everything and still get writing done, vlogs recorded and actually have time to read occasionally? Well, you've heard this before, but I am an organised person. I always have been and always will be, make no bones about it, I have to-do lists and sticky notes and all that jazz. I approach things task by task. If I didn't do it like that then I'd probably burn out and find myself thinking way too much steps ahead of where I actually am. That's one way to keep focused - only look at the task in front of you and don't think too far beyond that. Otherwise you can end up piling on too much and feeling like you're not ever going to get anywhere.

When you're juggling multiple releases (and I'll admit it's not for everyone) then you need to stay on task and on target. How you do that is up to you, but I'd advise that you implement some kind of organisation so that you don't lose your head along the way. Whether that's lists, or notes or even just doing one thing at a time, you have to find what works for you. I use to-do lists because I like being able to cross things off. I do the same with my sticky notes. I know what days, at a glance, are for what. So I know that on this day I'm writing this book, and on another I'm setting aside the time to edit ten chapters or whatever.

Now some people can't work on edits and write, and that's completely okay. I manage simply because of the way I approach things, but if you can't, this is not me saying you should try. The whole idea is to make the process as stressless as possible. If that means focusing solely on editing and promotion, then do that. There's nothing wrong with knowing your limits. Even while juggling multiple releases, I still have days when I look in the mirror and question my motives. Like did I realise how much work this was? And did I ever wonder if I'd like to have sleep and lazy days occasionally?!

Of course there's a limit to how much you can do in one day. I know that, as do most people. I especially know that having the conditions I do. There are, and will be, some days when I look at my to-do list and think: Nope, just ain't gonna happen. And that's okay too. While there are limits, both soft ones and hard ones, working myself to the bone is not going to help matters. So for those soft limits, I'll push them out a little. While I can't change the release date once it's announced and I can't change how fast anyone else will work, and I need to make sure to give them time to do their jobs...I can change some things. And in having that control I can find a way to make it work for me. Just as you can find a way it works for you, but at the same time, if it doesn't? There's no shame in that. Everyone works to a different pace and it takes as long as it takes.

So what do you do if you've got your plan and you've got your to-do lists and all of that and things go wrong? Firstly, I'd remind you to breathe. It happens to us all. I'm in a situation at the moment where I can't move forward with one release and it's just there waiting for the next step. It's no one's fault, but it is stressful to know that I have all this promo planned and it all depends on my book being ready on that date. Sure, some of it are soft limits in that I can move things around. Others aren't. That in itself is stressful and it makes it harder to juggle other matters, but I have to remind myself to keep breathing, and that it will come together. It always does, and that's the important thing.

So hats off to the others like me who are juggling multiple releases, but also hats off to anyone in the middle of a release. It ain't an easy path and along the way any number of things can go wrong. We're gonna make it to the end, and we're doing something not many people do - write, finish and release a novel. It ain't easy, but it's worth it!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books. You can also sign up to her newsletter here.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

And I have a #MrDash by the Toby tree. Nearly done for the day! 😁😺😺✒✒✒ #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #kitty #snuggles #catsofinstagram

Saturday, 3 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

A #MissPenne is sleeping under my Toby tree. Still got half a chapter to write but she looks so cute! Right back to it! 😻😻✒✒✒😸😸😺 #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #kitty #snuggles #catsofinstagram #pastacats

Friday, 2 February 2018

Review of Dalysian Struggle by Jamie Summer

Book two in the Dalysia YA fantasy trilogy

The Test was just the beginning.

Having reigned victorious in the Dalysian Test, Sophie is shocked to discover it is not the end of her journey on Jenace. Finding herself responsible for the fate of an entire race is a burden impossible to bear, but one she knows she cannot walk away from.

With the help of a small group of trusted people Sophie begins to prepare for the infamous Trials, but quickly realizes that the competition isn’t the only threat to her survival. Worst of all, her biggest opponent turns out to be her greatest weakness.

What do you do when you don’t know who you can trust anymore? How do you keep going when faith threatens to desert you and the burden you carry is almost impossible to bear?

With the Trials looming, Sophie has to find a way to beat the odds. Failure is not an option.

My Review: 5 stars
I picked this one up because I enjoyed the first book so very much. I wanted to know what was happening in the story. It did not disappoint. The test is approaching and Sophie is throw in at the deep end, good thing she's so good with water! I loved the sequel and second book in the series, am excited to read the final instalment and hopefully find the ending to this beautifully written and engaging series. Highly recommended!

You can follow Jamie on Facebook

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

From Joey's Instagram

When you try to write but #MissPenne decides to cuddle and wash your face. I have a chapter to write #kitty! 😻😻 #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #kitty #snuggles #catsofinstagram #pastacats

From Joey's Instagram

And the vlog is up! This week I'm talking about being a writer who reads 📚 You can find it here: #authorslife #authorsofinstagram #indieauthor #amwriting #writerslife #writersofinstagram #authortuber #writingvlog #vlogger #writingtips #authortube #lovemyjob #ilovewriting #readersofinstagram #amreading #books

Reading Writer [CC]